Definition of cook


nấu ăn, người nấu ăn


Definition of undefined

The word "cook" has a fascinating origin. The modern English word "cook" comes from the Old English word "cóca", which means "to prepare food". This Old English word is thought to have been derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*kukiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "kochen", meaning "to cook". The Proto-Germanic word is likely derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*gue-", which meant "to pour" or "to ignite". This root is also seen in other Indo-European languages, such as Sanskrit "gunda", meaning "to boil" or "to heat". Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word "cook" have evolved, but its roots firmly plant it in ancient culinary traditions. Today, the word "cook" refers to the act of preparing and transforming ingredients into a delicious meal.


to prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying it

chuẩn bị thức ăn bằng cách đun nóng, ví dụ bằng cách đun sôi, nướng hoặc chiên

  • Where did you learn to cook?

    Bạn học nấu ăn ở đâu?

  • Add the onion and cook for three minutes.

    Thêm hành tây và nấu trong ba phút.

  • to cook a meal

    nấu một bữa ăn

  • to cook food/dinner

    nấu đồ ăn/bữa tối

  • What's the best way to cook trout?

    Cách tốt nhất để nấu cá hồi là gì?

  • I always have a cooked breakfast (= consisting of cooked food)

    Tôi luôn có bữa sáng được nấu chín (= bao gồm thức ăn đã nấu chín)

  • He cooked lunch for me.

    Anh ấy nấu bữa trưa cho tôi.

  • He cooked me lunch.

    Anh nấu bữa trưa cho tôi.

Extra examples:
  • I'll cook you a special meal for your birthday.

    Tôi sẽ nấu cho bạn một bữa ăn đặc biệt cho ngày sinh nhật của bạn.

  • Make sure you cook the meat well.

    Hãy chắc chắn rằng bạn nấu thịt ngon.

  • Ensure that the meat is cooked through.

    Đảm bảo thịt chín đều.

  • The vegetables were cooked perfectly.

    Các loại rau đã được nấu chín hoàn hảo.

  • the smell of freshly cooked bacon

    mùi thịt xông khói mới nấu

  • Who's going to cook supper?

    Ai sẽ nấu bữa tối?

to be prepared by boiling, baking, frying, etc.

được chế biến bằng cách luộc, nướng, chiên, v.v.

  • While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce.

    Trong khi nấu mì ống, chuẩn bị nước sốt.

  • Turn the fish over so that it cooks evenly.

    Lật mặt cá để chín đều.

to be planned secretly

được lên kế hoạch bí mật

  • Everyone is being very secretive—there's something cooking.

    Mọi người đều rất bí mật - có điều gì đó đang nấu nướng.


be cooking with gas
(informal)to be doing something very well and successfully
cook the books
(informal)to change facts or figures dishonestly or illegally
  • His accountant had been cooking the books for years.
  • Someone was cooking the books.
  • cook somebody’s goose
    (informal)to destroy somebody’s chances of success