Definition of contoured


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The word "contoured" has its roots in the Latin word "contournare," which means "to turn around" or "to curve." This Latin phrase is derived from "con," meaning "together" or "with," and "tornare," meaning "to turn." In English, the word "contoured" has been in use since the 15th century, initially referring to the act of shaping or cutting something in a curved or bent form. Over time, the term took on broader meanings, including the idea of something being shaped or molded to fit around another shape or form. In the context of architecture and design, "contoured" often refers to structures or features that follow the natural contours or shapes of their surroundings, such as a building designed to blend with its environment. In beauty and cosmetics, "contoured" refers to the process of sculpting or shaping the face or body to accentuate its natural features.


with a specially designed outline that makes something attractive or comfortable

với một phác thảo được thiết kế đặc biệt làm cho một cái gì đó hấp dẫn hoặc thoải mái

  • It is smoothly contoured to look like a racing car.

    Nó được thiết kế mượt mà trông giống như một chiếc xe đua.

having or showing contours

có hoặc hiển thị đường viền

  • contoured hills/maps

    đồi/bản đồ có đường viền

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