Definition of contact sport

contact sportnoun

(môn) thể thao tiếp xúc


Definition of undefined

The term "contact sport" is a relatively recent invention, appearing in the late 19th century. It arose from the growing popularity of athletic contests involving physical contact, like rugby and American football. "Contact" itself comes from the Latin "contactus," meaning "touching." This combination of "contact" and "sport" highlighted the key characteristic of these games – the physical interaction between players. While the exact origin of the phrase remains unclear, its emergence coincided with the formalization of rules and increasing public interest in these physically demanding sports.


a sport in which the participants necessarily come into bodily contact with one another

một môn thể thao trong đó những người tham gia nhất thiết phải tiếp xúc cơ thể với nhau

  • rugby is a contact sport and there are inevitably going to be injuries

    bóng bầu dục là một môn thể thao tiếp xúc và chắc chắn sẽ có những chấn thương