Definition of congruent


phù hợp


The term "congruent" comes from the Latin word "congruens," which literally translates to "agreeing" or "matching." In mathematics, the word "congruent" is used to describe two figures that have the same shape but may differ in size or orientation. Congruent figures have exactly the same vertices, edges, and interior points. In other words, if one figure can be moved, flipped, or rotated to exactly match another figure, then they are congruent. This concept is important in geometry because it allows us to understand that two figures with different orientations or scales in space represent the same three-dimensional shape. The word "congruent" helps us to easily communicate this mathematical relationship between figures.


having the same size and shape

có cùng kích thước và hình dạng

  • congruent triangles

    tam giác đồng dạng

in agreement with something; similar to something and not in conflict with it

đồng ý với một cái gì đó; tương tự với một cái gì đó và không xung đột với nó

  • The measures are congruent with the changes in management policy.

    Các biện pháp này phù hợp với những thay đổi trong chính sách quản lý.

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