Definition of concavity


độ lõm


"Concavity" derives from the Latin word "concavus," meaning "hollow" or "curved inwards." This root is further broken down into "con-" meaning "with" or "together" and "cavus" meaning "hollow." The "con-" prefix highlights the "togetherness" of the inward curve, implying a shape that curves inwards as a unified whole. Hence, "concavity" describes the property of a surface curving inward, like the inside of a bowl.


the quality of being concave (= curving in)

tính chất lõm (= cong vào trong)

  • Rocks exposed to wind often show some degree of concavity.

    Đá tiếp xúc với gió thường có độ lõm nhất định.

a shape or place that curves in

một hình dạng hoặc nơi mà đường cong trong

  • a deep concavity in the side of the hill

    một chỗ lõm sâu ở sườn đồi