Definition of compulsively


một cách cưỡng bức


The word "compulsively" originated from the Latin words "compello" and "vis". "Compello" means "to drive" or "to compel", and "vis" means "force" or "strength". In the 15th century, the Latin phrase "compulsiva" emerged, which was used to describe something that is driven or compelled by force. This phrase was later translated into Middle English as "compulsively", meaning "in a manner that is forced or compelled". Throughout history, the word "compulsively" has been used to describe various actions, such as compulsive behavior, compulsive eating, or compulsive shopping. In modern English, it often describes something that is done repetitively or habitually, often against one's will or better judgment. For example, "She compulsively checks her phone every hour for updates."


in a way that is difficult to stop or control

theo cách khó có thể dừng lại hoặc kiểm soát

  • She watched him compulsively.

    Cô nhìn anh một cách chăm chú.

in a way that makes you pay attention to something because it is so interesting and exciting

theo cách khiến bạn chú ý đến điều gì đó vì nó rất thú vị và hấp dẫn

  • a compulsively readable book

    một cuốn sách bắt buộc phải đọc