Definition of commander


chỉ huy


The word "commander" has its roots in the Latin word "commandare," which means "to direct" or "to order." This Latin word is derived from "com-" meaning "together" and "mandare" meaning "to entrust" or "to give charge." The Latin word was used to describe a person who has the authority to give orders or commands to others. In English, the word "commander" was first used in the 14th century to describe a person who had the authority to give military orders. Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include anyone who has the authority to give directions or instructions, whether in a military, literary, or figurative sense. Today, the word "commander" is used to describe someone who has the power to lead, direct, or govern others.


a person who is in charge of something, especially an officer in charge of a particular group of soldiers or a military operation

người chịu trách nhiệm về việc gì đó, đặc biệt là sĩ quan phụ trách một nhóm binh sĩ cụ thể hoặc một hoạt động quân sự

  • military/allied/field/flight commanders

    quân đội/đồng minh/lãnh địa/chỉ huy chuyến bay

  • the commander of the expedition

    người chỉ huy cuộc thám hiểm

  • General Eisenhower was Supreme Allied Commander in Western Europe.

    Tướng Eisenhower là Tư lệnh Đồng minh Tối cao ở Tây Âu.

  • the commander of US forces in Iraq

    tư lệnh lực lượng Mỹ ở Iraq

an officer of fairly high rank in the British or American navy

một sĩ quan có cấp bậc khá cao trong hải quân Anh hoặc Mỹ

(in England) a London police officer of high rank

(ở Anh) một sĩ quan cảnh sát cấp cao ở London