Definition of comforter


chăn lông


Definition of undefined

The word "comforter" has a rich history dating back to the 14th century. It originated from the Old French word "comfortier," which means "to console" or "to solace." In the Middle Ages, a comforter referred to a book or a written work that provided spiritual guidance and comfort to the reader. Later, the term shifted to describe a type of soft, warm bed covering that brought physical comfort to the sleeper. In the 17th century, the word "comforter" was also used to describe a person who consoled or comforted others, often in times of grief or distress. Over time, the term has evolved to focus primarily on the textile item, becoming a common household word associated with warmth, coziness, and restful sleep. Today, comforters are a staple in many homes, providing a sense of security and relaxation to those who snuggle up with them.


a person or thing that makes you feel calmer or less worried

người hoặc vật khiến bạn cảm thấy bình tĩnh hơn hoặc bớt lo lắng hơn

  • She was hugging a pillow as a comforter.

    Cô đang ôm một cái gối làm người an ủi.

a type of thick cover for a bed

một loại vỏ bọc dày cho giường

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a large cloth bag that is filled with feathers or other soft material and that you have on top of you in bed to keep yourself warm

một túi vải lớn chứa đầy lông vũ hoặc vật liệu mềm khác và bạn đặt trên người trên giường để giữ ấm cho mình

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