Definition of cola




The word "cola" in the context of a carbonated beverage originated from the African Bantu language, specifically from the Zulu dialect spoken in present-day South Africa. The Zulu word "qala" refers to a traditional beverage made from the bark of the kola nut tree, which contains caffeine and has stimulant properties. In the late 1800s, European settlers in South Africa became acquainted with this local beverage, and they began to import the kola nut into Europe. In particular, the German confectionery company Stollwerck began marketing kola nut extracts as a caffeine-based energy drink in the early 1900s, under the brand name "feichingen Tafelkolo." The American pharmacist and druggist John Pemberton is credited with inventing the first carbonated cola drink in the late 1880s, as a non-alcoholic alternative to cocaine-based tonics that were popular at the time. Drawing inspiration from Stollwerck's kola nut extracts, Pemberton named his drink "Coca-Cola," using the scientific name for the coca leaf, the main ingredient in his formula. However, in 1895, following a debate over the merits of coca versus kola, Pemberton's partner, Asa G. Candler, renamed the drink "Coke" and rebranded it as a cola beverage, prominently featuring the kola nut on its packaging. The new name, "Coke," was a modified version of the nickname "Cok Tat," which African American consumers had started using for the drink. In summary, the term "cola" in the context of a carbonated beverage can be traced back to the African Bantu word "qala" and the traditional African beverage made from the kola nut, which served as a source of inspiration for early cola formulations.


a sweet brown, fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that does not contain alcohol. Its taste comes from the seeds of a West African tree (the cola tree) and other substances.

một loại đồ uống có ga màu nâu ngọt (= có bọt) không chứa cồn. Hương vị của nó đến từ hạt của một loại cây Tây Phi (cây cola) và các chất khác.

a glass, can or bottle of cola

một ly, lon hoặc chai cola