Definition of close2




Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French clos (as noun and adjective), from Latin clausum ‘enclosure’ and clausus ‘closed’, past participle of claudere.


near in space or time

  • I had no idea the beach was so close.
  • Our new house is close to the school.
  • The children are close to each other in age.
  • She is looking for a job closer to home.
  • The tables were too close together.
  • Their birthdays are very close together.
  • This is the closest we can get to the beach by car.
  • We all have to work in close proximity (= near each other).
  • Victory was tantalizingly close.

knowing somebody very well and liking them very much

  • Jo is a very close friend.
  • She is very close to her father.
  • She and her father are very close.
  • We're a very close family.
Extra examples:
  • The two sisters seemed very close.
  • He was quite close to his older brother.

near in family relationship

  • close relatives, such as your mother and father, and brothers and sisters
  • The groom and his close family took their places.

Related words and phrases

very involved in the work or activities of somebody else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly

  • She has kept in close contact with the victims' families.
  • They have forged a close working relationship.
  • a retired army general with close ties to the military
  • The college has close links with many other institutions.
  • We work in close association with the ministry.
  • Their survival depends on close cooperation.
  • Even their closest allies were shocked by the move.
  • He is one of the prime minister's closest advisers.
  • We are in close touch with the police.

careful and complete

  • Take a close look at this photograph.
  • On closer examination, the painting proved to be a fake.
  • A close inspection reveals stunning attention to detail.
  • Pay close attention to what I am telling you.

almost in a particular state; likely to do something soon

  • The airline is close to collapse.
  • He was close to tears.
  • The species is dangerously close to extinction.
  • The new library is close to completion.
  • She knew she was close to death.
  • We are close to signing the agreement.

very similar to something else or to an amount

  • There's a close resemblance between them (= they look very similar).
  • This movie is about as close to perfect as you could wish for.
  • Their chances of winning are close to zero.
  • His feeling for her was close to hatred.
  • The total was close to 20% of the workforce.
  • It was the closest thing to a home she had ever known.
  • We tried to match the colours, but this is the closest we could get.
Extra examples:
  • The unemployment rate was close to 20% of the workforce.
  • The book bears a close resemblance to her earlier work.
competition/election, etc.

won by only a small amount or distance

  • a close match/contest/election
  • It was pretty close but we lost.
  • Our team came a close second (= nearly won).
  • No one expected such a close finish.
  • The game was closer than the score suggests.
  • The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win).
Extra examples:
  • The organizers of the race are predicting a close finish.
  • It's a desperately close race—I can't quite see who is ahead.
  • The California election looks too close to call as voters go to the polls.
  • I think it's going to be close.
almost bad result

used to describe something, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation, that nearly happens

  • Phew! That was close—that car nearly hit us.
  • We caught the bus in the end but it was close (= we nearly missed it).
without space

with little or no space in between

  • over 1 000 pages of close print
  • The soldiers advanced in close formation.
cut short

cut very short, near to the skin

  • a close haircut/shave

carefully guarded

  • The donor's identity is a close secret.
  • She was kept under close arrest.

warm in an uncomfortable way because there does not seem to be enough fresh air

  • It’s very close today—I think there’s going to be a storm.

Related words and phrases


not willing to give personal information about yourself

  • He was close about his past.

not liking to spend money

  • She's always been very close with her money.

produced with part of the tongue in the highest possible position without limiting the flow of air

Related words and phrases


at/from close quarters
very near
  • fighting at close quarters
  • at/from close range
    from only a short distance away
  • The president was shot at close range.
  • She scored from close range.
  • (close/near) at hand
    close to you in time or distance
  • Help was at hand.
  • The property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand.
  • close, but no cigar
    (informal)used to tell somebody that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successful
    a close call/shave
    (informal)a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.
  • He had a close shave when his brakes failed on the mountain road.
  • a close thing
    a situation in which success or failure is equally possible
  • We got him out in the end, but it was a close thing.
  • close/dear/near to somebody’s heart
    having a lot of importance and interest for somebody
    close to home
    if a remark or topic of discussion is close to home, it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed
  • Her remarks about me were embarrassingly close to home.
  • that involves somebody directly
  • The next year tragedy struck much closer to home.
  • keep a close eye/watch on somebody/something
    to watch somebody/something carefully
  • Over the next few months we will keep a close eye on sales.
  • too close for comfort
    (figurative)so near that it is uncomfortable or dangerous
  • When she leaves the stage, the fans can get a little too close for comfort.
  • They got the win but it was a tight match, definitely too close for comfort.
  • up close and personal
    physically very close to somebody; getting to know them well
  • Get up close and personal with the koalas at the San Diego Zoo.
  • For the last 30 years, I’ve been up close and personal with people whose lives were in crisis.