Definition of chew


nhai, ngẫm nghĩ


Definition of undefined

The word "chew" has a fascinating origins! The verb "chew" comes from the Old French word "chief", which is also the source of the Modern English word "chief". In Old French, "chief" meant "cover" or "to cover", and it referred to the action of covering or enclosing the mouth with the tongue or lips while masticating food. Over time, the word "chief" evolved into "chew", which specifically meant "to grind or crush food with the teeth". This sense of "chewing" can be traced back to the 14th century, and has been a part of the English language ever since!


to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow

dùng răng cắn thức ăn thành từng miếng nhỏ để dễ nuốt hơn

  • After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow.

    Sau phẫu thuật, bạn có thể gặp khó khăn khi nhai và nuốt.

  • teeth designed for chewing meat

    răng được thiết kế để nhai thịt

  • He is always chewing gum.

    Anh ấy luôn nhai kẹo cao su.

Extra examples:
  • The baby chewed on a piece of bread.

    Em bé nhai một miếng bánh mì.

  • Chew your food up well before you swallow it.

    Nhai kỹ thức ăn trước khi nuốt.

to bite something continuously, for example because you are nervous or to taste it

cắn cái gì đó liên tục, ví dụ vì bạn lo lắng hoặc nếm thử nó

  • Rosa chewed on her lip and stared at the floor.

    Rosa cắn môi và nhìn chằm chằm xuống sàn nhà.

  • The dog was chewing on a bone.

    Con chó đang nhai một khúc xương.

  • She was chewing at her lower lip.

    Cô ấy đang nhai môi dưới của mình.

  • to chew your nails

    nhai móng tay của bạn

Related words and phrases


bite off more than you can chew
to try to do too much, or something that is too difficult
chew the fat
(informal)to have a long friendly talk with somebody about something
  • Randall stayed chewing the fat for a while.
  • They met up once a year to chew the fat about the old days.