Definition of cheese


phô mai


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "cheese" is a bit of a tale. It's believed to have come from the Old English word "cēse," which was derived from the Latin "caseus," meaning "cheese." The Latin term is itself thought to be derived from the Greek word "tisīs" (τιςίς), which referred to a type of cheeselike food. The word "cheese" itself has been in use since at least the 10th century, and has undergone some changes in spelling and meaning over time. Before the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, the word was spelled "cēse" or "chese," but after the Conquest, the spelling shifted to "cheese." So, there you have it - a brief history of how the word "cheese" came to be!


a type of food made from milk that can be either soft or hard and is usually white or yellow in colour; a particular type of this food

một loại thực phẩm làm từ sữa có thể mềm hoặc cứng và thường có màu trắng hoặc vàng; một loại thực phẩm cụ thể

  • Cheddar cheese

    Phô mai Cheddar

  • goat’s cheese (= made from the milk of a goat)

    pho mát dê (= làm từ sữa dê)

  • a cheese sandwich

    một bánh sandwich pho mát

  • a piece/slice/block of cheese

    một miếng/lát/khối phô mai

  • I had cheese on toast (= toasted bread covered in melted cheese) for lunch.

    Tôi đã ăn phô mai trên bánh mì nướng (= bánh mì nướng phủ phô mai tan chảy) cho bữa trưa.

  • a selection of French cheeses

    tuyển chọn các loại pho mát Pháp

  • a cheese knife (= a knife with a special curved blade with two points on the end, used for cutting and picking up pieces of cheese)

    một con dao phô mai (= một con dao có lưỡi cong đặc biệt có hai điểm ở đầu, dùng để cắt và nhặt miếng phô mai)

  • a snack of bread and cheese

    một bữa ăn nhẹ với bánh mì và pho mát

  • a wedge/hunk/chunk of cheese

    một miếng/khối/miếng phô mai

  • a cheese sauce/salad

    nước sốt phô mai/salad

Extra examples:
  • Cut the cheese into cubes.

    Cắt phô mai thành khối.

  • Sprinkle the cheese over the beans.

    Rắc phô mai lên đậu.

  • Sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese and grill for a few minutes.

    Rắc khoai tây với phô mai bào và nướng trong vài phút.

what you ask somebody to say before you take their photograph

điều bạn yêu cầu ai đó nói trước khi bạn chụp ảnh họ


a big cheese
(informal, humorous)an important and powerful person, especially in an organization
chalk and cheese
(British English)if two people or things are like chalk and cheese or as different as chalk and cheese, they are completely different from each other
  • Frank and I will never get along. We’re chalk and cheese.
  • hard cheese
    (British English, informal)used as a way of saying that you are sorry about something, usually ironically (= you really mean the opposite)