Definition of cheek



Definition of undefined

The word "cheek" has a rich history. The Old English word "ciac" or "ciċ" referred to the cheek or the side of the face. This is believed to be derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*kiikiz" or "*kiikiziz", which was also the source of the Modern German word "Wange", meaning "check" or "cheek". The Proto-Germanic word is thought to have been imitative of the action of smiling or grinning, which is why the modern English word "cheek" is often associated with a happy or mischievous expression. Over time, the spelling of the word evolved from "ciac" to "cheek", and its meaning expanded to include the idea of a person's emotional reserve or ability to withstand adversity.


either side of the face below the eyes

hai bên khuôn mặt bên dưới mắt

  • chubby/rosy/pink cheeks

    má mũm mĩm/hồng hào/hồng

  • He kissed her on both cheeks.

    Anh hôn lên cả hai má cô.

  • Couples were dancing cheek to cheek.

    Các cặp đôi đang khiêu vũ má kề má.

Extra examples:
  • Colour/​Color flooded to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched.

    Má cô ửng hồng khi nhận ra mình đang bị theo dõi.

  • He felt his cheeks burning with shame.

    Anh cảm thấy má mình nóng bừng vì xấu hổ.

  • He kissed her on both cheeks and got on the train.

    Anh hôn lên hai má cô rồi lên tàu.

  • He rested his cheek on her shoulder.

    Anh tựa má mình lên vai cô.

  • Her cheeks were wet with tears.

    Má cô ướt đẫm nước mắt.

  • His red-rimmed eyes and sunken cheeks betrayed his lack of sleep.

    Đôi mắt đỏ hoe và đôi má hóp chứng tỏ anh thiếu ngủ.

  • She dabbed at her cheeks with a handkerchief.

    Cô ấy lau má bằng một chiếc khăn tay.

  • She gave him a peck on the cheek and said goodbye.

    Cô hôn nhẹ lên má anh và nói lời tạm biệt.

  • She gave him a sharp slap across his cheek.

    Cô giáng cho anh một cái tát thật mạnh vào má anh.

  • She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.

    Cô ấy có một nụ cười khỏe mạnh trên má.

  • She laid her cheek against his.

    Cô áp má mình vào má anh.

  • She proffered her cheek to kiss.

    Cô đưa má ra hôn.

  • She smiled at him and the colour/​color rose to his cheeks.

    Cô mỉm cười với anh và má anh ửng hồng.

having the type of cheeks mentioned

có loại má được đề cập

  • chubby-cheeked/rosy-cheeked/hollow-cheeked

    má phúng phính/má hồng hào/má hóp

Related words and phrases

either of the buttocks

một trong hai mông

talk or behaviour that people think is annoying, rude or not showing enough respect

lời nói hoặc hành vi mà mọi người cho là khó chịu, thô lỗ hoặc không thể hiện đủ sự tôn trọng

  • What a cheek!

    Thật là một cái má!

  • He had the cheek to ask his ex-girlfriend to babysit for them.

    Anh ta còn láo xược nhờ bạn gái cũ trông trẻ cho họ.

  • I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.

    Tôi nghĩ họ thật láu cá khi bắt bạn phải trả tiền đậu xe.

Extra examples:
  • Of all the damned cheek! Make your own coffee!

    Của tất cả cái má chết tiệt! Hãy pha cà phê của riêng bạn!

  • What struck him most was the colossal cheek of it all.

    Điều khiến anh ấn tượng nhất là cái má khổng lồ của tất cả.

  • It's an awful cheek, the way he keeps asking you to lend him money.

    Thật là một điều đáng kinh ngạc khi anh ta liên tục yêu cầu bạn cho anh ta vay tiền.

  • He asked you for money? Of all the cheek!

    Anh ta xin tiền bạn à? Của tất cả các má!

  • He's got a cheek, making you wait outside his office.

    Anh ta thật láo xược, bắt bạn phải đợi bên ngoài văn phòng của anh ta.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


cheek by jowl (with somebody/something)
very close to somebody/something
  • The guests, packed cheek by jowl, parted as he entered.
  • put roses in somebody’s cheeks
    (British English, informal)to make somebody look healthy
    turn the other cheek
    to make a deliberate decision to remain calm and not to act in an aggressive way when somebody has hurt you or made you angry
    with your tongue in your cheek | with tongue in cheek
    if you say something with your tongue in your cheek, you are not being serious and mean it as a joke