Definition of chauvinist


người theo chủ nghĩa Sô vanh


The word "chauvinist" originates from Nicolas Chauvin, a French soldier known for his extreme patriotism and blind devotion to Napoleon Bonaparte. Chauvin's exaggerated loyalty and fervor became a subject of ridicule and satire, leading to the term "chauvinism" being coined in the early 19th century. It initially described excessive nationalism, but later expanded to encompass any fervent, uncritical devotion to a cause, group, or ideology, often associated with a sense of superiority.


a man who believes men are more important, more intelligent or better than women

một người đàn ông tin rằng đàn ông quan trọng hơn, thông minh hơn hoặc tốt hơn phụ nữ

a person who has an aggressive and unreasonable belief that their own country is better than all others

một người có niềm tin mãnh liệt và vô lý rằng đất nước của họ tốt hơn tất cả những nơi khác

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