Definition of carpet


tấm thảm, thảm(cỏ)


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "carpet" dates back to the 14th century. It comes from the Old French word "carpite," which means "tosolete" or "to cover with a carpet." The word is believed to have originated from the Latin phrase "carpentum," meaning "heavy covering" or "covering made of heavy material." In the Middle English period, the word "carpet" referred to any type of covering or lining, including those made of fabric, animal hides, or even wood. Over time, the meaning of the word became more specific, and it began to refer primarily to a type of soft, woven floor covering made of fibers such as wool, silk, or synthetic materials. Today, the word "carpet" is used to describe a wide range of floor coverings, from luxurious plush carpets to more practical and durable industrial-grade options.


a piece of thick woven material made of wool, etc., used to cover the floor of a room or stairs; the material used for carpets

một mảnh vải dệt dày làm bằng len, v.v., dùng để trải sàn phòng hoặc cầu thang; chất liệu được sử dụng cho thảm

  • He spent the morning laying the new carpet.

    Anh ấy đã dành cả buổi sáng để trải tấm thảm mới.

  • a bedroom carpet

    một tấm thảm phòng ngủ

  • We have fitted carpets (= carpets from wall to wall) in our house.

    Chúng tôi đã trải thảm (= thảm từ tường này sang tường khác) trong nhà của chúng tôi.

  • a roll of carpet

    một cuộn thảm

Extra examples:
  • I'm having the carpets fitted today.

    Hôm nay tôi sẽ trải thảm.

  • The cat curled up on the carpet.

    Con mèo cuộn tròn trên tấm thảm.

  • The grey vinyl floor gave way to carpet tiles.

    Sàn vinyl màu xám nhường chỗ cho thảm trải sàn.

a thick layer of something on the ground

một lớp dày của một cái gì đó trên mặt đất

  • a carpet of snow

    một tấm thảm tuyết


(be/get called) on the carpet
(informal, especially North American English)called to see somebody in authority because you have done something wrong
  • I got called on the carpet for being late.
  • sweep something under the carpet
    to try to stop people from finding out about something wrong, illegal, embarrassing, etc. that has happened or that you have done
  • An earlier report, implicating the government, had been conveniently swept under the carpet.