Definition of campsite


Khu cắm trại


The word "campsite" is a relatively recent invention, appearing in the late 19th century. It's a compound word, combining "camp" and "site." "Camp" has roots in Latin "campus" meaning "field," reflecting its original use as a temporary military encampment. "Site" comes from the Old French "sitte" meaning "seat" or "position," signifying a place designated for a specific purpose. So, "campsite" literally means "a place designated for a camp," signifying a spot where people can temporarily set up their tents or recreational vehicles.


a place where people on holiday can put up their tents, park their caravan, etc., often with toilets, water, etc.

một nơi mà mọi người đi nghỉ có thể dựng lều, đậu xe lữ hành, v.v., thường có nhà vệ sinh, nước, v.v.

a place in a campground where you can put up one tent or park one camper, etc.

một nơi trong khu cắm trại nơi bạn có thể dựng một cái lều hoặc đỗ một người cắm trại, v.v.