Definition of bye


tạm biệt


Definition of undefined

The word "bye" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. In Old English, the phrase "bīe" or "bī" meant "farewell" or "dismissal," while in Middle English (circa 1100-1500), it evolved into "by" or "bye," a word used to bid farewell or part ways. In the 14th century, the phrase "to take leave" or "to bid adieu" was used in the phrase "to bye folk," meaning "to bid farewell to people." Over time, the phrase was shortened to simply "bye," and by the 18th century, it had become a common way to say goodbye in informal settings, such as in dialectal English and colonial America. Today, "bye" is widely used in many dialects and contexts, be it in person, over the phone, or even in digital communication. And that's the story of how "bye" came to be!

  • "It's been great catching up with you, but it's time for me to say bye. Have a wonderful day!"

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Bye, Mom! I'm going out with my friends for the night, but I'll be home by midnight. Don't wait up for me!"

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Goodbye, sir. Your meal has been prepared according to your requirements. Enjoy your eating experience!"

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Bye, Grandpa! I'll see you again soon, I promise. Remember to take your medication on time."

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Goodbye, class! I hope you all learned something new today. Your homework is already on your desks."

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Bye, nurse! It's been an honor being your patient. I'll make sure to follow your instructions carefully."

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Goodbye, coworker! I'm heading out for the day, but I'll check my emails before leaving."

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Bye, Grandma! I'm so happy you could come visit us. We'll keep in touch through letters and calls!"

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Goodbye, friends! Thank you so much for a wonderful birthday celebration. You truly made my day!"

    __TRÍCH DẪN__

  • "Bye, Lisa! I'll be back tomorrow with more hot chocolate and marshmallows, I promise! Stay warm until then!" (Scene: Inside a winter chalet)

    __TRÍCH DẪN__ (Cảnh: Bên trong một ngôi nhà gỗ mùa đông)