Definition of bunk


giường tầng


The word "bunk" has an interesting history. Initially, it referred to a type of bed or cot, particularly one used on a ship or in a military barracks. This sense of the word dates back to the mid-16th century, derived from the Dutch word "bonk," meaning "to squat" or "to sit." In the mid-19th century, the term "bunk" took on a new meaning in the United States, referring to a deception or a false or exaggerated statement. This sense is believed to have originated in the world of railroads, where "bunk" was used to describe a false or inflated report about the contents of a railcar. Over time, the word "bunk" has continued to evolve, taking on additional meanings such as a bed or sleeping quarters, and even a slang term for a partner or lover. Despite its varied uses, the core idea of "bunk" remains tied to the concept of resting or taking a break.


a narrow bed that is fixed to a wall, especially on a ship or train

một chiếc giường hẹp được cố định vào tường, đặc biệt là trên tàu hoặc xe lửa

one of two beds that are fixed together, one above the other, especially for children

một trong hai chiếc giường được gắn cố định với nhau, cái này chồng lên cái kia, đặc biệt dành cho trẻ em

  • I slept in the bottom bunk of a set of bunk beds.

    Tôi ngủ ở tầng dưới của một bộ giường tầng.

ideas, statements or beliefs that you think are silly or not true

ý tưởng, tuyên bố hoặc niềm tin mà bạn cho là ngớ ngẩn hoặc không đúng sự thật

Related words and phrases


do a bunk
(British English, informal)to run away from a place without telling anyone