Definition of boomer




The term "boomer" originated in the 2010s among internet users and social media platforms, particularly on Twitter and Reddit. It started as a colloquialism to describe baby boomers, a demographic cohort born between 1946 and 1964. However, the term took on a broader significance, referring to anyone who was perceived as out of touch with modern culture, technology, or societal norms. At first, the term was used mostly in a playful or ironic sense, poking fun at the perceived inability of older generations to understand or adapt to new trends. However, as social media usage grew, the term "boomer" took on a more pejorative connotation, often used to silence or dismiss opposing views, especially those related to politics, climate change, or social issues. Today, the term remains a widely used and often divisive label, symbolizing a perceived generational divide.


a person born during a baby boom, especially after the Second World War

một người sinh ra trong thời kỳ bùng nổ dân số, đặc biệt là sau Thế chiến thứ hai

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