Definition of boa




The word "boa" has a fascinating origin. It is believed to have come from the indigenous people of South America, specifically the Tupi language spoken in present-day Brazil and other regions. In Tupi, the word "boa" means "strangler" or "snake", referring to the anaconda, a large and powerful serpent found in the region. When European explorers and colonizers arrived in South America, they adopted the Tupi language and used the word "boa" to describe the snakes. Over time, the spelling and pronunciation of the word evolved, and the term "boa" began to be used to refer to a type of serpent found in Africa, particularly the python. Today, the term "boa" is still used in many languages, including English, to refer to these large and constricting snakes. Despite its origins in South American languages, the word "boa" has become associated with African and Asian cultures, highlighting the complex and fascinating history of linguistics and cultural exchange.


a large South American snake that kills animals for food by winding its long body tightly around them

một con rắn lớn ở Nam Mỹ giết chết động vật để lấy thức ăn bằng cách quấn chặt cơ thể dài quanh chúng

a long thin piece of clothing like a scarf, made of feathers and worn over the shoulders, especially by women in the past

một mảnh quần áo dài mỏng như một chiếc khăn quàng cổ, làm bằng lông vũ và đeo qua vai, đặc biệt là phụ nữ thời xưa

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