Definition of blush


đỏ mặt


The word "blush" has its origins in Old English and Old French. In Old English, the word "blushian" meant "to turn pale" or "to become red with shame," while in Old French, the word "blucheir" meant "to redden" or "to become red-faced." The modern English word "blush" emerged in the 14th century, derived from the Old English and Old French roots. In medieval times, the term "blush" referred to a sudden change in facial coloration, typically due to embarrassment, shame, or emotional arousal. Over time, the word's connotations expanded to include beauty, modesty, and a gentle, rosy complexion. Today, we use "blush" to describe the fleeting, warm glow on a person's cheeks, often accompanied by feelings of shyness, modesty, or self-consciousness. Despite its evolution, the word's core meaning remains rooted in its Old English and Old French beginnings, signifying a subtle yet striking change in facial color.


to become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed

trở nên đỏ mặt vì bạn xấu hổ hoặc xấu hổ

  • to blush with embarrassment/shame

    đỏ mặt vì xấu hổ/xấu hổ

  • She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation.

    Cô đỏ mặt giận dữ khi nhớ lại cuộc trò chuyện.

  • He looked away, blushing.

    Anh đỏ mặt nhìn đi nơi khác.

  • He blushed scarlet at the thought.

    Anh đỏ mặt khi nghĩ đến điều đó.

Extra examples:
  • He blushed at the mention of her name.

    Anh đỏ mặt khi nhắc đến tên cô.

  • She blushed more readily when she was a teenager.

    Cô ấy dễ đỏ mặt hơn khi còn là thiếu niên.

  • Stop teasing him—you're making him blush.

    Đừng trêu chọc anh ấy nữa - bạn đang làm anh ấy đỏ mặt đấy.

  • Lia blushed a deep shade of red.

    Lia đỏ bừng mặt.

Related words and phrases

to be ashamed or embarrassed about something

xấu hổ hoặc xấu hổ về điều gì đó

  • I blush to admit it, but I quite like her music.

    Tôi đỏ mặt thừa nhận điều đó, nhưng tôi khá thích âm nhạc của cô ấy.

  • I blush to think of how I behaved the last time we met.

    Tôi đỏ mặt khi nghĩ đến cách mình cư xử vào lần cuối chúng tôi gặp nhau.

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