Definition of bloodsucker


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The origin of the word "bloodsucker" dates back to the 14th century. Initially, it referred to a plant that was said to suck the juices from other plants. The term was derived from the Old English words "blod" meaning "blood" and "sucian" meaning "to suck". Over time, the meaning of the term shifted to describe an animal that feeds on the blood of another, such as a vampire or a leech. In the 17th century, the term gained a more sinister connotation, often used to describe a person or entity that manipulated or exploited others for personal gain. Today, the term "bloodsucker" is often used figuratively to describe someone who is seen as parasitic, exploitative, or vampiric in their behavior.


an animal or insect that bites people or animals and drinks their blood

một loài động vật hoặc côn trùng cắn người hoặc động vật và uống máu của họ

a person who takes advantage of other people in order to gain financial benefit

một người lợi dụng người khác để đạt được lợi ích tài chính