Definition of blink


chớp mắt


The word "blink" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. It evolved from the Proto-Germanic word "*blenkiz", which meant "to sparkle" or "to shine". This Proto-Germanic word is also the source of the Modern English word "blen", meaning "to sparkle" or "to shine brightly". In Old English, the word "blink" emerged in the 10th century, initially meaning "to shine" or "to sparkle". Over time, its meaning shifted to describe the act of rapidly closing and reopening one's eyelids, which was likely influenced by the idea of shining or sparkling. By the 14th century, the word had taken on its modern meaning, referring to the quick, involuntary movement of the eyelids. Today, "blink" is used to describe not only the physical act of blinking but also to refer to a brief, fleeting moment or to signal a sudden or rapid change.


when you blink or blink your eyes or your eyes blink, you shut and open your eyes quickly

khi bạn chớp mắt hay chớp mắt hay chớp mắt là bạn nhắm và mở mắt thật nhanh

  • He blinked in the bright sunlight.

    Anh chớp mắt dưới ánh nắng chói chang.

  • Lucy blinked at him in astonishment.

    Lucy chớp mắt ngạc nhiên nhìn anh.

  • I'll be back before you can blink (= very quickly).

    Tôi sẽ quay lại trước khi bạn chớp mắt (= rất nhanh).

  • When I told him the news he didn't even blink (= showed no surprise at all).

    Khi tôi báo tin cho anh ấy, anh ấy thậm chí còn không chớp mắt (= không tỏ ra ngạc nhiên chút nào).

Related words and phrases

to shine with an unsteady light; to flash on and off

tỏa sáng với ánh sáng không ổn định; để bật và tắt đèn flash

  • Suddenly a warning light blinked.

    Đột nhiên đèn cảnh báo nhấp nháy.