Definition of bide




The word "bide" originates from the Old English "bidean," which meant "to wait," "to stay," or "to remain." It is derived from the Germanic root "*gheid-, *gheidh-, *gihid-," which had similar meanings in other Germanic languages. This verb, which is commonly used in British English, has undergone several changes in meaning over time. Originally, it referred exclusively to waiting or staying, often in anticipation of an event or person. In the Middle English period (1100-1500), it also began to be used to mean "to dwell" or "to reside," possibly as a result of the verb's connotation of waiting or lasting. Over time, "bide" has grown less common in modern English, but it still appears in some phrases, such as "bide one's time" (which means "to wait patiently for an opportunity") and "bide one's peace" (which means "to remain quiet or calm"). Its etymological relatives, such as the German "bleiben" (which means "to stay" or "to remain"), the Dutch "blijven" (which means "to stay" or "to remain"), and the Afrikaans "bly" (which means "to remain" or "to continue"), also reflect its Germanic origins. Overall, "bide" is a classic example of how a single word can evolve and take on new meanings over time, leaving behind a trail of etymological clues that shed light on its history and evolution.

  • She bided her time patiently, waiting for the right opportunity to present itself.

    Cô kiên nhẫn chờ đợi thời cơ thích hợp xuất hiện.

  • The storm raged on, forcing us to bide our time before setting off on our journey.

    Cơn bão vẫn tiếp tục hoành hành, buộc chúng tôi phải chờ đợi trước khi lên đường.

  • Instead of acting rashly, he chose to bide his emotions and think before reacting.

    Thay vì hành động hấp tấp, anh ấy chọn cách kiềm chế cảm xúc và suy nghĩ trước khi phản ứng.

  • The manager advised the player to bide his time and work harder to earn a starting spot.

    Người quản lý khuyên cầu thủ nên chờ đợi và nỗ lực hơn để giành được suất đá chính.

  • She lost her job but chose to bide her time until the right opportunity presented itself.

    Cô ấy mất việc nhưng vẫn quyết định chờ đợi cho đến khi có cơ hội thích hợp.

  • Instead of confronting him immediately, she decided to bide her words and wait for the right moment.

    Thay vì đối mặt với anh ta ngay lập tức, cô quyết định giữ lời và chờ thời điểm thích hợp.

  • The thief bided his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to steal the valuable item.

    Tên trộm chờ thời cơ thích hợp để đánh cắp món đồ có giá trị.

  • The traveler bided his time in the airport lounge, waiting for his connecting flight to depart.

    Hành khách chờ đợi trong phòng chờ của sân bay để đến chuyến bay nối chuyến khởi hành.

  • The politician chose to bide his words until the election campaign had passed.

    Chính trị gia này đã chọn cách giữ lời hứa cho đến khi chiến dịch tranh cử kết thúc.

  • The student bided his time, studying and preparing for his big exam.

    Cậu sinh viên chờ đợi thời cơ để học tập và chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi quan trọng của mình.

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bide your time
to wait for the right time to do something
  • He decided to bide his time until he got an opportunity to talk to her alone.