Definition of beneath


ở dưới, dưới thấp


Definition of undefined

The word "beneath" has Middle English origins, dating back to the 13th century. It comes from the Old English words "be" meaning "by" and "nēah" meaning "near" or "close". Initially, the word was used to describe something located nearby or on the ground, such as "beneath the tree" or "beneath the earth". Over time, the meaning of "beneath" expanded to include concepts of position, both physical and metaphorical. It began to convey a sense of being lower or subordinate to something else, such as "beneath my notice" or "beneath contempt". Today, "beneath" can function as both a preposition and an adverb, indicating physical or emotional distance from something. It continues to be a versatile word in the English language, used to describe a range of relationships and contexts.


in or to a lower position than somebody/something; under somebody/something

ở hoặc ở vị trí thấp hơn ai/cái gì; dưới ai/cái gì đó

  • They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.

    Họ tìm thấy thi thể bị chôn vùi dưới đống lá.

  • The boat sank beneath the waves.

    Con thuyền chìm dưới làn sóng.

not good enough for somebody

không đủ tốt cho ai đó

  • He considers such jobs beneath him.

    Anh ấy coi những công việc như vậy ở dưới quyền của mình.

  • They thought she had married beneath her (= married a man of lower social status).

    Họ nghĩ rằng cô ấy đã kết hôn dưới quyền cô ấy (= kết hôn với một người đàn ông có địa vị xã hội thấp hơn).

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