Definition of below


ở dưới, dưới thấp, phía dưới


Definition of undefined

The word "below" has a fascinating history. It originated from Old English words "be" meaning "by" and "lōw" meaning "low". Initially, the phrase "bē lōw" was used to indicate a location that was situated on a lower level or position. With time, the phrase evolved into a single word "bīlēw", and eventually, the current spelling "below" emerged. The term gained popularity during the Middle English period (circa 1100-1500 CE), particularly in nautical contexts, such as describing shipwrecks or underwater locations. Its usage expanded to describe any situation where something was situated lower in relation to something else, whether physically or metaphorically. Today, "below" is a fundamental word in the English language, used in various contexts, from describing spatial relationships to indicating inferiority or subjugation. Its humble origins highlight the intricate evolution of language and the ways in which words can adapt and transform over time.


at or to a lower level, position or place

ở hoặc đến một cấp độ, vị trí hoặc địa điểm thấp hơn

  • They live on the floor below.

    Họ sống ở tầng dưới.

  • I could still see the airport buildings far below.

    Tôi vẫn có thể nhìn thấy các tòa nhà sân bay ở phía dưới.

  • See below (= at the bottom of the page) for references.

    Xem bên dưới (= ở cuối trang) để tham khảo.

  • The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck).

    Những hành khách cảm thấy say sóng ở bên dưới (= ở tầng dưới).

at a lower rank

ở cấp độ thấp hơn

  • This ruling applies to the ranks of Inspector and below.

    Quyết định này áp dụng từ cấp Thanh tra trở xuống.

lower than zero

thấp hơn 0

  • The thermometer had dropped to a record 40 below (= −40 degrees).

    Nhiệt kế đã giảm xuống mức kỷ lục 40 dưới đây (= −40 độ).