Definition of bee


(loài) ong


Definition of undefined

The word "bee" has its roots in Old English and Germanic languages. The term "bee" comes from the Old English word "bīe", which was derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*bizziz", meaning "buzzing insect". In linguistics, the word "bee" is a cognate with other words for bee in Germanic languages, such as Old Norse "bī", Dutch "bij", and German "Biene". The spelling and pronunciation of the word have evolved over time, but its meaning has remained the same. Interestingly, the word "bee" has also been used metaphorically to describe a busy person, with phrases like "busy as a bee" or "a bee in your bonnet" - emphasizing the insect's industrious nature and constant activity.


a black and yellow flying insect that can sting (= touch your skin and make you feel a sharp pain).Bees live in large groups and make honey (= a sweet sticky substance that is good to eat).

một loài côn trùng bay màu đen và màu vàng có thể chích (= chạm vào da của bạn và khiến bạn cảm thấy đau nhói). Ong sống theo nhóm lớn và tạo ra mật ong (= một chất dính ngọt rất ngon để ăn).

  • Bees were buzzing in the clover.

    Những con ong vo ve trong cỏ ba lá.

  • a swarm of bees

    một đàn ong

  • a bee sting

    một con ong đốt

Extra examples:
  • Butterflies, flies and bees pollinate flowers.

    Bướm, ruồi và ong thụ phấn cho hoa.

  • He was stung by thousands of angry bees.

    Anh ta bị hàng ngàn con ong giận dữ đốt.

  • Lavender attracts bees.

    Hoa oải hương thu hút ong.

  • The bees swarmed around the hive.

    Đàn ong bu quanh tổ.

a meeting in a group where people combine work, competition and pleasure

một cuộc họp trong một nhóm nơi mọi người kết hợp công việc, cạnh tranh và niềm vui

  • a sewing bee

    một con ong may vá

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


as busy as a bee
very busy
the bee’s knees
(informal)an excellent person or thing
  • She thinks she's the bee's knees (= she has a very high opinion of herself).
  • the birds and the bees
    (humorous)the basic facts about sex, especially as told to children
    have a bee in your bonnet (about something)
    (informal)to think or talk about something all the time and to think that it is very important
  • Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation.