Definition of assembler


người lắp ráp


The word "assembler" is derived from its primary function: assembling. It originates from the process of taking low-level instructions written in assembly language and converting them into machine code that a computer can directly execute. The term "assemble" itself comes from the concept of putting together smaller parts into a larger whole, similar to how an assembler combines individual instructions into a complete program. This process of "assembly" was crucial in the early days of computing, before high-level programming languages were widespread.


a person who assembles a machine or its parts

người lắp ráp máy hoặc các bộ phận của nó

a program for changing instructions into machine code

một chương trình thay đổi hướng dẫn thành mã máy

the language in which a program is written before it is changed into machine code

ngôn ngữ mà chương trình được viết trước khi nó được chuyển thành mã máy