Definition of asleep


ngủ, đang ngủ


Definition of undefined

The word "asleep" has a fascinating history. It originated from the Old English word "**on slæpe**, " which literally meant "**in sleep**". This phrase later contracted to "**aslæpe**, " and eventually evolved into the modern "**asleep**." The "a-" prefix, which is common in English, signified "in" or "on" in Old English, giving the word its sense of being "in the state of sleep." So, "asleep" isn't just a single word, but a historical blend of "in" and "sleep"!



đang ngủ

  • I waited until they were all fast asleep (= sleeping deeply).

    Tôi đợi cho đến khi tất cả họ đều ngủ say (= ngủ sâu).

  • The baby was sound asleep (= sleeping deeply) upstairs.

    Em bé đang ngủ say (= ngủ sâu) trên lầu.

  • He was so exhausted that he fell asleep at his desk.

    Anh ấy kiệt sức đến mức ngủ quên trên bàn làm việc.

  • My mother fell asleep at the wheel (= while driving) and crashed into a tree.

    Mẹ tôi ngủ quên trên tay lái (= khi đang lái xe) và đâm vào một cái cây.

  • She was still half asleep (= not fully awake) when she arrived at work.

    Cô ấy vẫn còn đang ngái ngủ (= chưa hoàn toàn tỉnh táo) khi cô ấy đến nơi làm việc.

  • The police found him asleep in a garage.

    Cảnh sát tìm thấy anh ta đang ngủ trong gara.

Related words and phrases

used to describe a part of the body that has no feeling in it, usually because it has been in the same position for too long

dùng để mô tả một bộ phận cơ thể không có cảm giác, thường là do nó đã ở một vị trí quá lâu

  • I couldn't move straight away, as my leg was completely asleep.

    Tôi không thể di chuyển ngay lập tức vì chân tôi đã hoàn toàn tê cứng.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


asleep on the job | asleep at the wheel
not paying enough attention to what you need to do
  • They were asleep on the job as the financial crisis deepened.
  • Let's hope the regulators are not asleep at the wheel.
  • Somebody must have been asleep at the switch to allow this to happen.