Definition of annoy


làm bực mình, làm phiền, quẫy nhiễu


Definition of undefined

The word "annoy" has a rather fascinating history. It originated in the 14th century from the Old French word "ennuer," which means "to worry" or "to trouble." The French word is derived from the Latin "inconendere," which means "to disturb" or "to trouble." Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word evolved, and by the 15th century, "annoy" had adopted its modern sense of causing bother or irritation to someone. In the 16th century, the word began to take on a more nuanced meaning, implying not only causing trouble but also causing frustration or vexation. Today, "annoy" is a common verb used to describe any action or situation that causes discomfort, irritation, or annoyance.


to make somebody slightly angry

làm cho ai đó hơi tức giận

  • His constant joking was beginning to annoy her.

    Những trò đùa liên tục của anh bắt đầu làm cô khó chịu.

  • I’m sure she does it just to annoy me.

    Tôi chắc chắn cô ấy làm vậy chỉ để làm phiền tôi.

  • I only stay out late to annoy my parents.

    Tôi chỉ về muộn để làm phiền bố mẹ thôi.

  • It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you.

    Tôi thực sự khó chịu khi mọi người quên nói lời cảm ơn.

  • It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me.

    Tôi khó chịu khi thấy anh ấy đi trước tôi.

Related words and phrases

to make somebody uncomfortable or unable to relax

làm cho ai đó khó chịu hoặc không thể thư giãn

  • He swatted a fly that was annoying him.

    Anh ta đập một con ruồi khiến anh ta khó chịu.

  • The wasps were beginning to annoy me.

    Những con ong bắp cày bắt đầu làm phiền tôi.

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