Definition of annals


biên niên sử


The word "annals" originally derives from the Latin word annales, which means "yearly accounts" or "registers." It was used by ancient Roman historians to refer to chronological records or chronicles that documented significant events, often on a yearly basis. These annals could include anything from military conquests and political upheavals to religious ceremonies and weather patterns. The function of annals was to serve as a historical record and as a way for future generations to learn about and understand the past. The meaning and usage of the term "annals" have continued to evolve over time, with the concept now applied to a variety of fields, including medical, legal, and meteorological records. In the modern world, annals serve as important sources of information that help us understand our collective history and how the past has shaped the present.


an official record of events or activities year by year; historical records

hồ sơ chính thức về các sự kiện hoặc hoạt động hàng năm; ghi chép lịch sử

  • His deeds went down in the annals of British history.

    Những việc làm của ông đã được ghi vào biên niên sử của nước Anh.

  • She was remembered in the annals of the war.

    Cô được nhớ đến trong biên niên sử của cuộc chiến.

  • This is a historic day in the annals of the team.

    Đây là một ngày lịch sử trong biên niên sử của đội.

used in the title of academic journals

được sử dụng trong tiêu đề của tạp chí học thuật

  • Annals of Science, vol. viii

    Biên niên sử khoa học, tập. viiii