Definition of airsickness


say máy bay


The term "airsickness" was first used in the late 19th century to describe the discomfort and nausea experienced by people during air travel, particularly during the early days of aviation. The word combines the prefix "air-" from the word "airplane," with the suffix "-sickness," which comes from "sickness" meaning illness or nausea. Initially, airsickness was more commonly referred to as "aviation sickness" or "motion sickness," as it was attributed to the motion and turbulence of flying. However, the term "airsickness" gained popularity in the mid-20th century as air travel became more widespread and commercial airlines began to use it in marketing and apologetic statements to address the issue. Today, airsickness is recognized as a specific type of motion sickness triggered by the unusual sensations and movements associated with flying, and is often treated with motion sickness medication or other remedies.

  • After a long flight, the passenger next to me started experiencing severe airsickness.

    Sau một chuyến bay dài, hành khách ngồi cạnh tôi bắt đầu bị say máy bay nghiêm trọng.

  • The turbulence on the plane caused several passengers to feel airsickness, including the woman in front of me.

    Sự nhiễu loạn trên máy bay khiến một số hành khách bị say máy bay, bao gồm cả người phụ nữ ngồi phía trước tôi.

  • Unfortunately, the airsickness bag came in handy for the child in seat 16C during the flight.

    Thật không may, túi chống say máy bay lại có ích cho đứa trẻ ngồi ở ghế 16C trong suốt chuyến bay.

  • The pilot announced that the airsickness pills would be distributed to passengers who were feeling unwell.

    Phi công thông báo rằng thuốc chống say máy bay sẽ được phát cho những hành khách cảm thấy không khỏe.

  • The flight attendant provided a sickness bag to the passenger who was experiencing airsickness during the descent.

    Tiếp viên hàng không đã cung cấp túi nôn cho hành khách bị say máy bay trong lúc máy bay hạ cánh.

  • She had never flown before and was afraid of airsickness, so she took the recommended medication before boarding.

    Cô chưa bao giờ đi máy bay và sợ say máy bay nên đã uống thuốc theo khuyến nghị trước khi lên máy bay.

  • The elderly gentleman sitting next to me seemed to be affected by the air pressure, causing him to become airsick.

    Ông cụ ngồi cạnh tôi dường như bị ảnh hưởng bởi áp suất không khí, khiến ông bị say máy bay.

  • Due to the strong turbulence, several passengers around us were feeling airsick, making the flight extremely uncomfortable.

    Do có nhiễu động mạnh, một số hành khách xung quanh chúng tôi bị say máy bay, khiến chuyến bay trở nên vô cùng khó chịu.

  • The anticipated long haul flight has caused my friend to feel anxious about airsickness, which has left her feeling uneasy.

    Chuyến bay đường dài được mong đợi đã khiến bạn tôi lo lắng về việc say máy bay, khiến cô ấy cảm thấy không thoải mái.

  • The hotel was located close to the airport, which resulted in the smell of jet fuel causing some passengers to feel airsick.

    Khách sạn nằm gần sân bay, khiến mùi nhiên liệu máy bay nồng nặc khiến một số hành khách bị say máy bay.