Definition of acclamation


hoan nghênh


The word "acclamation" originates from the Latin words "ad" meaning "to" and "clamare" meaning "to cry out". In ancient Rome, acclamation referred to the act of shouting or crying out in approval, which was often used to show admiration or approval for a person or idea. For example, a victorious gladiator might be greeted with an acclamation as a sign of admiration. Over time, the word evolved to refer to a formal vote or declaration in favor of something, such as a leader or a policy. Today, acclamation is often used to describe the process of giving formal approval or recognition to someone or something through cheering, applause, or a formal vote.


loud and enthusiastic approval or welcome

sự tán thành hoặc chào đón lớn tiếng và nhiệt tình

the act of electing somebody using a spoken not written vote

hành động bầu ai đó bằng cách sử dụng phiếu nói chứ không phải bằng văn bản

  • The decision was taken by acclamation.

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