Định nghĩa của từ video assistant referee

video assistant refereenoun

Trợ lý video trọng tài

/ˌvɪdiəʊ əˌsɪstənt ˌrefəˈriː//ˌvɪdiəʊ əˌsɪstənt ˌrefəˈriː/


an electronic system in which officials watch video recordings of important incidents in a match in order to advise the referee (= the official who controls the match) and correct any mistakes

Ví dụ:
  • The use of video assistant referee technology has always been controversial, but it is increasingly accepted.

the official who is in charge of the electronic system used to check important decisions

Ví dụ:
  • The goal was originally given, but the video assistant referee stepped in to disallow it.
  • The manager criticized the use of video assistant referees in the competition.