Definition of zoning


phân vùng


The term "zoning" originates from the early 20th century, particularly in the United States. The concept of zoning began to take shape in the early 1900s, as cities faced rapid growth and urbanization. The term "zoning" was coined by Hugo-Maria Hammerich, a German engineer who used the term "Raumzonen" (meaning "space zones" in German) to describe the division of urban areas into separate districts for different uses. The term was later adopted and adapted in the US, with the first zoning ordinance being passed in New York City in 1916. The idea of zoning quickly gained popularity, and by the 1920s, many cities in the US had implemented zoning regulations to control land use, promote orderly growth, and protect public health, safety, and welfare.


the practice of allowing areas of land to be used only for a particular purpose

thực hành cho phép các khu đất chỉ được sử dụng cho một mục đích cụ thể

  • zoning regulations/laws

    quy định/luật phân vùng

the act of dividing an area of land into smaller areas

hành động chia một vùng đất thành những khu vực nhỏ hơn

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