Definition of woody


thân gỗ


The word "woody" has a fascinating history, stemming from the Old English word "wud", meaning "wood". This word, in turn, came from the Proto-Germanic "wudō", meaning "wood" or "forest". "Woody" evolved from "wud" and started being used as an adjective to describe something made of wood, or having the characteristics of wood, around the 14th century. Over time, it expanded to describe anything that resembled wood in texture, strength, or even color.


having a thick, hard stem like wood

có thân dày và cứng như gỗ

covered with trees

được bao phủ bởi cây cối

  • a woody valley

    một thung lũng rừng

having a smell like wood

có mùi như gỗ

  • This new fragrance has woody notes.

    Hương thơm mới này có hương gỗ.

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