Definition of wizard


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The word "wizard" originated in Old English as "wízard", meaning "skilled in knowledge" or "wise". Its roots lie in the Old English words "wīs" meaning "wise" and "-ard", the suffix used to denote a person who practices a certain craft or trade. The term "wizard" was originally used to describe people with specialized skills or knowledge, such as physicians or craftsmen. However, by the Middle Ages, the term came to be associated with practitioners of magic and sorcery, as wizards in medieval literature were seen as figures with supernatural powers. The modern use of the word "wizard" to refer to characters in popular culture, such as Harry Potter's Albus Dumbledore, draws upon this literary tradition, while also emphasizing the special skills and knowledge possessed by these characters. Despite its association with the fantastical and supernatural, the original meaning of "wizard" as "skilled" or "wise" remains an crucial part of the word's modern meaning as well.


(in stories) a man with magic powers

(trong truyện) một người đàn ông có sức mạnh thần kỳ

  • There were rumours that Abbot was a wizard, practising magic and the black arts.

    Có tin đồn rằng Trụ trì là một phù thủy, thực hành phép thuật và nghệ thuật đen.

a person who is especially good at something

một người đặc biệt giỏi ở một cái gì đó

  • a computer/financial, etc. wizard

    một thuật sĩ máy tính/tài chính, v.v.

a program that makes it easy to use another program or perform a task by giving you a series of simple choices

một chương trình giúp bạn dễ dàng sử dụng một chương trình khác hoặc thực hiện một tác vụ bằng cách cung cấp cho bạn một loạt các lựa chọn đơn giản

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