Definition of whilst


trong lúc, trong khi


Definition of undefined

The word "whilst" has its origin in Old English, from the phrase "hwilston" which combined "hwil" (Middle English: til or while) and "stond" (Middle English: stand). In Modern English, "whilst" is a subordinating conjunction used to indicate a concurrence or coincidence between two events or actions. During the Middle English period, around the 11th to 15th centuries, "whilst" was used more frequently than "while" to indicate a simultaneous occurrence. Over time, the use of "whilst" declined, and "while" became the more commonly used alternative. However, in British English, particularly in literary and formal contexts, "whilst" is still widely used and is commonly found in phrases such as "whilst I was waiting" or "whilst she was shopping". Despite its declining popularity, "whilst" remains a useful word for adding variety to one's writing and speech, and is still taught in English language courses around the world.


during the time that something is happening; at the same time as something else is happening

trong thời gian có điều gì đó đang xảy ra; cùng lúc với một cái gì đó khác đang xảy ra

  • In the UK it is illegal to drive whilst holding a mobile phone.

    Ở Anh, việc lái xe mà cầm điện thoại di động là bất hợp pháp.

  • Harrison's clock allowed seamen to keep time accurately whilst at sea.

    Đồng hồ của Harrison cho phép các thủy thủ giữ thời gian chính xác khi ở trên biển.

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used to contrast two things

dùng để đối chiếu hai thứ

  • Whilst my brother is hard-working, I'm quite lazy.

    Trong khi anh trai tôi làm việc chăm chỉ thì tôi lại khá lười biếng.

although; despite the fact that…

mặc dù; mặc dù thực tế là…

  • Whilst the results of this study are certainly interesting, they are far from conclusive.

    Mặc dù kết quả của nghiên cứu này chắc chắn rất thú vị nhưng chúng vẫn chưa thể kết luận được.

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