Definition of whiff




The word "whiff" has its origins in the Middle English language, where it was spelled "hwif" and meant "breath" or "exhalation." In Old English, this word was "hwīf." The origin of the word is uncertain, but some linguists believe it may have come from the Old Norse "hveifr," which also meant "breath" or "exhalation." This theory suggests that the word made its way into Middle English from the Norse colonies that inhabited northern England. In its original meaning, "whiff" referred to the breath that a living being exhaled. However, by the 15th century, the definition had started to expand to include the scent of something, as the breath of a person or animal could carry a strong odor. Eventually, in the 19th century, "whiff" came to mean a brief, quick scent or puff of something, such as tobacco smoke or perfume. This meaning has remained part of the word's modern definition. In summary, the origin of the word "whiff" can be traced back to the Old English word "hwīf" meaning "breath." This word evolved over time to include meanings related to scent and eventually came to refer to a brief, quick scent or puff of something.


a smell, especially one that you only smell for a short time

một mùi, đặc biệt là mùi mà bạn chỉ ngửi thấy trong một thời gian ngắn

  • a whiff of cigar smoke

    một làn khói xì gà

  • He caught a whiff of perfume as he leaned towards her.

    Anh ngửi thấy mùi nước hoa khi nghiêng người về phía cô.

Extra examples:
  • I caught the whiff of Scotch on his breath.

    Tôi ngửi thấy mùi Scotch trong hơi thở của anh ấy.

  • She took a deep whiff of his aftershave.

    Cô hít thật sâu mùi nước hoa sau khi cạo râu của anh.

  • He caught a whiff of her perfume as she passed.

    Anh ngửi thấy mùi nước hoa của cô khi cô đi ngang qua.

  • She can't bear the slightest whiff of tobacco smoke.

    Cô ấy không thể chịu được mùi khói thuốc lá dù là nhỏ nhất.

a slight sign or feeling of something

một dấu hiệu nhỏ hoặc cảm giác về một cái gì đó

  • a whiff of danger

    một chút nguy hiểm

Extra examples:
  • The unmistakable whiff of electoral blackmail could be detected.

    Có thể phát hiện ra dấu hiệu không thể nhầm lẫn của hành vi tống tiền bầu cử.

  • The proposal had the whiff of a hoax about it.

    Đề xuất này có vẻ như là một trò lừa bịp.

  • Journalists caught a whiff of scandal and pursued the actress relentlessly.

    Các nhà báo vướng vào scandal và truy đuổi nữ diễn viên không ngừng nghỉ.

an unsuccessful attempt to hit the ball

nỗ lực đánh bóng không thành công

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