Definition of weep




The word "weep" has its roots in the Old English language, where it was spelled as "wepan." The Old English word came from the Proto-Germanic "wepanwian," which means "to emit a high-pitched cry" or "to wail." In Old English, the word "wepan" was primarily used to describe the sound made by animals, particularly dogs, during mourning or distress. However, by the Middle English period (roughly 1100-1485 AD), the meaning of the word "weep" had expanded to include human emotions as well. In Middle English, the spelling of "wepen" evolved into "wepen," and by the 14th century, it had become "wepen" in Modern English, when the "n" was dropped at the end due to a phonetic rule that no longer applies in Modern English. Today, the word "weep" is still used to describe the act of crying or shedding tears, especially as a result of sadness or grief. Its origin, however, speaks to the deep and universal nature of the emotional reaction we all experience when we confront pain or loss.


to cry, usually because you are sad

khóc, thường là vì bạn buồn

  • She started to weep uncontrollably.

    Cô bắt đầu khóc không kiểm soát được.

  • I could have wept (= I was sad enough to cry) thinking about what I'd missed.

    Tôi có thể đã khóc (= tôi buồn đến mức muốn khóc) khi nghĩ về những gì tôi đã bỏ lỡ.

  • He wept for joy.

    Anh đã khóc vì vui sướng.

  • I do not weep over his death.

    Tôi không khóc vì cái chết của anh ấy.

  • She wept bitter tears of disappointment.

    Cô rơi những giọt nước mắt cay đắng vì thất vọng.

  • I wept to see him looking so sick.

    Tôi đã khóc khi thấy anh ấy trông ốm yếu như vậy.

  • ‘I'm so unhappy!’ she wept.

    ‘Tôi thật bất hạnh!’ cô ấy khóc.

Extra examples:
  • He wanted to weep at the unfairness of it all.

    Anh muốn khóc vì sự bất công của tất cả.

  • He was weeping, in effect, for a lost age of innocence.

    Thực tế là anh đang khóc vì một tuổi thơ ngây đã mất đi.

  • His grandmother was weeping uncontrollably.

    Bà nội khóc không kìm được.

  • I felt I could have wept for joy.

    Tôi cảm thấy mình có thể khóc vì sung sướng.

  • Several of the soldiers broke down and wept.

    Một số người lính đã gục xuống và khóc.

  • She almost wept with happiness.

    Cô ấy gần như khóc vì hạnh phúc.

  • The mourners followed the funeral procession, weeping and wailing.

    Những người đưa tang theo sau đám tang, khóc lóc thảm thiết.

  • The people wept openly when his death was announced.

    Người dân đã khóc một cách công khai khi cái chết của ông được công bố.

  • We had wept over the death of our parents.

    Chúng tôi đã khóc trước cái chết của cha mẹ mình.

  • weeping for someone who has died

    khóc thương một người đã khuất

to produce liquid

để sản xuất chất lỏng

  • His legs were covered with weeping sores (= that had not healed).

    Đôi chân của anh ấy đầy những vết loét đang khóc (= chưa lành).

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