Definition of watch list

watch listnoun

danh sách theo dõi

/ˈwɒtʃ lɪst//ˈwɑːtʃ lɪst/

The phrase "watch list" originated in the aviation industry in the mid-twentieth century. It refers to a list of individuals or entities that may pose a security threat and require heightened scrutiny during airport security checks. The concept of watch lists arose after several high-profile aviation-related incidents, such as the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 1 in 1961 and the Munich Olympics tragedy in 1972, where terrorists used commercial flights to carry out their nefarious activities. In response to these incidents, aviation authorities created databases of individuals and organizations that had raised alarm bells, due to their potential links to terrorism, espionage, or other criminal activities. These databases served as a watchlist, monitoring closely anyone on them during airport security checks. Over the years, the term "watch list" has expanded beyond the aviation industry, commonly appearing in many sectors, including finance, law enforcement, and immigration. Its usage has become associated with national security operations aimed at identifying individuals or organizations that may pose security risks. In summary, the term "watch list" denotes a collection of individuals or entities subjected to heightened scrutiny due to possible security risks, originating from the aviation industry as an essential response measure to terrorist activities.


a list of people or groups that need to be watched closely because they might be dangerous

danh sách những người hoặc nhóm người cần được theo dõi chặt chẽ vì họ có thể nguy hiểm

  • The FBI already has the organization on its watch list.

    FBI hiện đã đưa tổ chức này vào danh sách theo dõi.

  • He had been on a terror watch list since 2016.

    Ông này đã có tên trong danh sách theo dõi khủng bố từ năm 2016.

a list of things that you are watching closely because they might offer you a good opportunity

danh sách những thứ mà bạn đang theo dõi chặt chẽ vì chúng có thể mang lại cho bạn cơ hội tốt

  • One area that is high on my investment watch list is cryptocurrency.

    Một lĩnh vực được tôi chú ý đầu tư hàng đầu là tiền điện tử.