Definition of warped




The word "warped" has roots in Old English, stemming from the verb "weorpan," meaning "to throw" or "to cast." The past participle of this verb, "worpen," evolved into the word "warped." Initially referring to something that was twisted or thrown out of shape, "warped" later acquired metaphorical meanings, describing things distorted, twisted in character, or having an abnormal or unhealthy perspective.


having ideas that most people think are strange or unpleasant

có những ý tưởng mà hầu hết mọi người cho là kỳ lạ hoặc khó chịu

  • a warped mind

    một tâm trí lệch lạc

  • a warped sense of humour

    một cảm giác hài hước bị bóp méo

bent or twisted and not in the normal shape

uốn cong hoặc xoắn và không ở hình dạng bình thường

  • The floorboards are warped.

    Ván sàn bị cong vênh.

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