Definition of warble




The origin of the word "warble" dates back to the Middle English verb "wrablen," which meant "to quaver or tremble." Over time, the word evolved to describe the unique and wobbly musical notes produced by birds during their songs. It is believed to have derived from an older Germanic word "wrabljan," which had similar meanings in various Germanic languages. The term "warble" is now commonly used to refer to the sweet and melodic sounds made by birds, especially during spring and summer. This word adds depth to our vocabulary, enabling us to precisely describe the enchanting calls of various species of birds that enrich our surroundings.


to sing, especially in a high voice that is not very steady

hát, đặc biệt là ở giọng cao không ổn định

  • He warbled his way through the song.

    Anh ấy ngân nga theo bài hát.

to sing with rapidly changing notes

hát với những nốt nhạc thay đổi nhanh chóng

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