Definition of volunteerism


sự tình nguyện


The term "volunteerism" is believed to have originated in the mid-16th century from the Latin words "voluntarius" meaning "voluntary" and the suffix "-ism" suggesting a practice or manner. Initially, the term referred to a Christian practice of serving the community without expecting payment or reward. During the 17th and 18th centuries, volunteerism gained popularity in Europe and the Americas, particularly during times of war and social crisis. The term gained wider usage in the 19th century with the emergence of philanthropic organizations and social movements that relied on volunteers to achieve their goals. By the 20th century, volunteerism had become a widely accepted and valued concept, with millions of people around the world dedicating their time and skills to help others. Today, the term is widely used to describe the act of giving one's time, skills, and resources to benefit others without expecting direct financial or material reward.


the practice of working as a volunteer, especially in community service

thực hành làm tình nguyện viên, đặc biệt là trong dịch vụ cộng đồng

the practice of using or relying on volunteers rather than paid workers

thực hành sử dụng hoặc dựa vào những người tình nguyện thay vì những người lao động được trả lương

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