Definition of viper


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The word "viper" originates from the Latin word "vipera," which was derived from the Greek word "vipēr," meaning "snake." In Greek mythology, the viper was associated with the goddess Artemis and was said to be poisonous. The Latin word "vipera" was used to describe a type of snake, which was believed to be venomous. In English, the word "viper" has been used since the 14th century to refer to a venomous snake, particularly one that is aggressive and venomous. The word has also been used metaphorically to describe someone or something that is treacherous or deceitful. Over time, the spelling of the word "viper" has evolved from "vipere" to its current form, but the meaning and connotation have remained the same. Today, the word "viper" is still used to describe a venomous snake, as well as to convey a sense of danger and deceit.


a small poisonous snake

một con rắn độc nhỏ

a person who harms other people

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