Definition of verbal


bằng lời nói


The word "verbal" originally came from the Latin word "verbum," meaning "word." During the Middle Ages, as Latin became the language of scholarship and learning, "verbum" and its derivatives were frequently used in academic and scholarly contexts. The English language adopted the word "verbal" in the 16th century, and it initially referred to anything related to words or language. In particular, "verbal" was used to describe spoken words or speech, as opposed to written words or text. Over time, the use of "verbal" in English expanded to include other meanings, such as "related to or representing something in verbal form" and "given or expressed in words rather than action." Today, "verbal" is a commonly used English word that describes anything related to language or communication. In medical and psychological contexts, it is often used to refer specifically to communication through spoken words as opposed to non-verbal communication, such as body language or facial expressions.


relating to words

liên quan đến từ

  • The job applicant must have good verbal skills.

    Người xin việc phải có kỹ năng nói tốt.

  • non-verbal communication (= expressions of the face, gestures, etc.)

    giao tiếp phi ngôn ngữ (= biểu hiện của khuôn mặt, cử chỉ, v.v.)

spoken, not written

nói, không viết

  • a verbal agreement/warning

    một thỏa thuận / cảnh báo bằng lời nói

  • verbal instructions

    hướng dẫn bằng lời nói

Related words and phrases

relating to verbs

liên quan đến động từ

  • a verbal noun (= a noun formed from a verb, for example smoking)

    một danh từ bằng lời (= một danh từ được hình thành từ một động từ, ví dụ như hút thuốc)

Related words and phrases