Definition of utility


tính thiết thực


The word "utility" originated in the 18th century from the Latin word "uti," which means "to use." In its earliest usage, it was commonly used as a noun to refer to "usefulness" or "the quality of being useful." The meaning of the term expanded in the 19th century, particularly in the context of economics, where it was used to describe commodities that were not luxuries but rather necessary for daily life. This concept, known as "utility theory," became an important part of economic thinking, particularly in the development of marginal utility, which posits that the usefulness, or utility, of a good or service is determined by the amount consumed. In the years since, the concept of utility has been applied beyond economic theory, to describe a variety of things. For example, utility companies provide electricity, gas, and water services to homes and businesses; utilityAI is a type of artificial intelligence used to analyze and optimize data; and utility vehicles, such as compact trucks or delivery vans, are vehicles designed for "utility" purposes, such as carrying cargo or passengers. In each of these contexts, the underlying meaning of "utility" remains the same: Something that is useful, practical, and serves a purpose.


a service provided for the public, for example an electricity, water or gas supply

một dịch vụ được cung cấp cho công chúng, ví dụ như cung cấp điện, nước hoặc khí đốt

  • a privatized electricity utility

    một công ty điện lực được tư nhân hóa

  • Rescue teams worked desperately to restore utilities in the area shattered by the hurricane.

    Các đội cứu hộ đã nỗ lực hết sức để khôi phục các tiện ích trong khu vực bị bão tàn phá.

  • Legislation will be introduced to regulate the privatized utilities.

    Pháp luật sẽ được đưa ra để điều chỉnh các tiện ích được tư nhân hóa.

Related words and phrases

the quality of being useful

chất lượng hữu ích

  • This information is of the highest utility to a historian.

    Thông tin này mang lại lợi ích cao nhất cho một nhà sử học.

Extra examples:
  • He argued that the arts have great social utility.

    Ông lập luận rằng nghệ thuật có lợi ích xã hội to lớn.

  • This computer is of low utility for the home user.

    Máy tính này có ít tiện ích cho người dùng gia đình.

Related words and phrases

a piece of computer software that performs a particular task

một phần mềm máy tính thực hiện một nhiệm vụ cụ thể