Definition of upthrust


sự ủng hộ


The word "upthrust" originates from the combination of the preposition "up" and the verb "thrust". "Thrust" itself has Old English roots, deriving from the Proto-Germanic word "þrustan", meaning "to push, shove, thrust, pierce". The "up" prefix in "upthrust" emphasizes the direction of the force, indicating an upward push or force. The term "upthrust" first appeared in the early 19th century and gained prominence in scientific contexts, specifically related to buoyancy and the upward force exerted by a fluid on an object immersed in it.


the force with which a liquid or gas pushes up against an object that is floating in it

lực mà chất lỏng hoặc chất khí đẩy lên một vật đang nổi trong đó

the process or result of land being moved to a higher level by movements inside the earth

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