Definition of uptake


sự hấp thụ


The word "uptake" has its roots in the mid-17th century, derived from the Proto-Germanic word "up" meaning "up" or "upwards" and the Old English word "take". Initially, "uptake" referred to the act of lifting or raising something upwards or to a higher state. In the late 17th century, the term gained a new meaning, referring to the process of taking in or absorbing something, such as a substance or information. In the 19th century, the term "uptake" became commonly used in chemistry to describe the absorption or reaction of substances. Today, the word "uptake" is used in various fields, including biology, psychology, and medicine, to describe the process of taking in or assimilating something.


the use that is made of something that has become available

việc sử dụng một cái gì đó đã trở nên có sẵn

  • There has been a high uptake of the free training.

    Đã có sự tham gia đông đảo vào chương trình đào tạo miễn phí.

the process by which something is taken into a body or system; the rate at which this happens

quá trình mà một cái gì đó được đưa vào một cơ thể hoặc hệ thống; tốc độ mà điều này xảy ra

  • the uptake of oxygen by muscles

    sự hấp thụ oxy của cơ bắp

Related words and phrases


be quick/slow on the uptake
(informal)to be quick/slow to understand something
  • Is he always this slow on the uptake?