Definition of unicorn


kỳ lân


The origin of the word "unicorn" can be traced back to ancient times, specifically to the Greek mythological creature known as the monoceros. The monoceros, which was described as having the body of a horse but a single horn protruding from its forehead, was first mentioned in the works of the Greek poet Ctesias in the 5th century BC. The Latin word for "horse" is equus, and the Latin word for "one" is unus. So, when the Romans encountered the Greek mythological creature, they combined the Latin words to form the term unicornus, which means "one-horned horse." Interestingly, despite the popular belief that unicorns are purely a product of mythology, medieval Europeans took the existence of unicorns very seriously. In the 13th century, the Catholic Church officially declared that unicorns were real creatures, and they were widely believed to inhabit the forests of Europe and Asia. The belief in unicorns persisted until the Enlightenment era, when scientific evidence and rationality replaced religious and superstitious beliefs. Today, the unicorn is widely recognized as a mythological creature, but the term has gained a new life in popular culture, where unicorns are often associated with fantasy, magic, and innocence. In summary, the origin of the word "unicorn" can be traced back to the ancient Greek mythological creature known as the monoceros, and the term is derived from the Latin words unis (one) and cornus (horn).


(in stories) an animal like a white horse with a long straight horn on its head

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